Cafe Pagers For Short Order Cook Food Kitchen
Our pagers work great in senior assisted living facilities with a ready-to-make fresh food menu. The residents will know that their food order is ready for pick-up no matter where they are in the facility.
A Pager Genius system will eliminate your staff having to yell names or find where the resident went to deliver the food order. Pager Genius pagers have a vibration four times that of a cell phone, have a 19 LED light alert, and feature an optional beeping alert.

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Wi-Fi Paging Systems Allow Your Clients To Page Staff When They Need Something
Wi-fi paging is here, and Pager Genius is the only company that offers it. Your staff can be paged via watch pager when one of your clients activates the transmitter.
Wi-fi paging offers unlimited range; the signal will travel as far as your wi-fi coverage. Traditional paging systems use radio frequencies to transmit limited signals. This system will give your clients a lifeline to your staff with a push of a button.