Paging Simplified - Helping Businesses Everyday - Page Smart with Pager Genius
How a paging system will help a busy casino. Restaurant pagers provide solutions for casino customers involving pagers.

Wi-Fi & Traditional Pager Solutions For Casinos

Pager Genius has been an industry leader in casinos and paging equipment since 2008. We offer traditional paging systems and Wi-Fi paging as well.

Our Wi-Fi paging systems will instantly put your customers in touch with staff when needed. Also, our Wi-Fi paging systems will connect the back of the house to the front. Staff can easily send individual messages or messages to the entire team.

Free Custom Logos For Pager Genius Pagers

All New Customers Receive Free Custom Logos!

Our Wi-Fi Paging Systems Will Change The Way You Operate

Casinos use our Wi-Fi paging systems in sit-down restaurants, pool cabana areas, and on-table games for employee paging. Giving your customers the ability to order on demand will raise your revenue by up to 20%.

Pager Genius is the only paging company that offers a Wi-Fi paging system. Wi-Fi gives you unlimited paging range! Pager Smart With Pager Genius.

Click Here To Shop Our Wi-Fi Systems
wi-fi paging system for a casino will enable the customer to order food or drinks by pressing a button. Pager Genius wi-fi paging system also works great around the pool servers as well.
complete 20 red system pager genius paging system

Pager Genius Pagers Are Built To Last

Casinos use our Pager Genius paging system in fast-casual restaurants, sit-down restaurants, and people waiting for a poker table. Your customers and staff will love using our system; it beats the alternative of yelling out names.

Pager Genius equipment does not connect to the internet or phone lines, so there are zero monthly fees. Pager Genius will work with any POS system you are currently using.

Click Here To Shop Our Paging Systems

Start Using Pagers To Page Your Poker Players

Here is how it works: a player comes up to put his name down on the waiting list for a poker game. Your employee will request his player's card or ID; in return, he will receive a pager. When the table is ready for the player, your staff will page his pager, and he will present this pager for his card or ID back.

Players love Pager Genius because it eliminates employees using overhead loud paging to find players when it is their turn to play. Staff will be able to page the same pager repeatedly until he arrives.

busy poker table inside a casino. Casinos use the pager genius system to page poker players when a spot opns up in the poker room.
pager genius range extenders extend the range of the pager system

Use Pager Genius Range Extenders To Extend Your Range

Pager Genius range extenders can be used to extend the range of your paging system. You can use as many range extenders as needed to cover any area of any size.

Range extenders can be used to cover every foot of a large casino floor or multiple floors. Also, range extenders can work with various Pager Genius paging systems at the same timeand not interfere with each other.

Click Here To Shop Our Range Extenders
Paging Industry's Best 2 Year Accidental Warranty


One Year Full Warranty On All Equipment

No Sales tax on orders outside of California


NO Sales Tax On All Your Orders Outside The State of California

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Your Order Ships The Same Business Day or Next!

No Setup Required - We do all the work for you!


Ready To Operate Out Of The Shipping Box! No Setup Required on Pager Genius Systems